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Current technology

The system contains a series of broadcast active Bluetooth low energy- BIE controlled by an Android application. The system is an active transmitter that detects when an object is getting out of its range by scanning the output power signals throw the transmitter, Which then sends a warning to the user's phone. In addition the application gathers input on the user's behavior, saving and processing data to his personal cloud that helps control collective information. This technology enables a weekly statistic reflected performance of the user's memory performance.

The object in the photo below is the transmitter that the user applies to the objects he needs on a daily basis. when a chosen object is missing will the user leaves the house he then automatically gets a notification on his phone.

The photo above is of the app and bag we are designing to be integrated with all of the transmitters. every patch is associated with every patch in the bag. in other words, the patches in the app are designed to reflect the patches in the bag so the user can have a mapping of his bag on his personal mobile phone.

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